Our Expertise

Approachable, Personal, Precise

We are driven by the simple goal to make environmental risk data clearer, more accurate and realistic.

We launched in 2014, following feedback from property professionals, who wanted a clearer more comprehensive search for residential and commercial conveyancing.

The result is a step change in report content that more closely meets market requirements – providing clear insight and opinion, with a more forensic view on environmental risk.

If your client has a potential issue, you can talk to our seasoned experts who can give you individual advice and guidance at the highest technical level.

Tim Champney, Managing Director

Tim’s background is in environmental consultancy, having worked for many years delivering risk assessments where land or property is being transacted or developed. He has extensive experience of advising clients on operational risk reduction and mitigation, through environmental audits and inspections of commercial and industrial processes.

He has worked on a multitude of projects, from complex property portfolio transfers, through to the design and implementation of Preliminary Risk Assessments (“Phase 1”) and Geoenvironmental Intrusive Investigations (“Phase 2”) for the purposes of both small and multimillion-pound development projects.

He has direct experience from the perspective of a regulator, in his capacity as an outsourced Local Authority Environmental Health/Contaminated Land practitioner. Tim also holds expertise in the value of other transactional services such as environmental indemnities, through his work as both a broker and underwriter of environmental insurance.

Shane Herridge, Product & Data Manager

Shane joined the property sector 7 years ago, utilising his background in GIS and spatial analysis to develop data driven solutions to help keep transactions moving forward. Shane is focused on delivering innovative and pragmatic solutions to emerging and existing environmental risks, working extensively with industry leading experts to ensure that FCI’s products are based upon the best available data and interpretation of the risks.

Shane is responsible for the development and enhancement of our product portfolio. He also heads up the data team, who deal with the customer service and technical side of the business.

Connor Bowman, Risk Team Leader (Environmental Consultant)

Connor joined FCI with a background in Geography, specialising in the relationship humans have with the environment. This passion has driven Connor to develop his experience in dealing with the environmental risks associated with property transactions and the technical aspects of FCI reports. Connor is currently an Associate member of IEMA and is working towards Practitioner status, ensuring that the skills learnt within this can be transferred into the working environment.

As Team Leader of the FCI Risk Team, working closely with the Operations and Compliance Director, Connor is responsible for the day to day coordination of report production and delivery, including the provision of consultancy follow on services and dealing with customer queries.

Neil Wood, Senior Business Development Manager

Neil has been in the property sector for 9 years developing valuable industry experience in face to face consultation with lawyers on their conveyancing due diligence requirements, successfully achieving tangible cost savings for firms and presenting keynote CPD presentations both at external events and in-house, on topics such as Contaminated Land, Flood risk and Planning. Neil has a unique market insight through working with key players in the industry and helps FCI to ensure products and services are of a high standard.

Neil manages our reseller network, a critical part of our business model, ensuring our products and services are available to legal professionals across the UK. Neil’s focus is developing key business relationships, growth in awareness of FCI reports and brand plus ensuring annual revenue targets are achieved.

Try before you buy

To take advantage of a trial free order of your first environmental report, please complete the enquiry form and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We will need to take more details of the property or site and ask some more questions about your firm and the transaction.

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